
required <- c("adaptivetau", "", "purrr")
to_install <- setdiff(required, row.names(installed.packages()))
# if (length(to_install)) install.packages(to_install)

A stochastic model of measles epidemic

Let’s consider a population of N individuals, of which I0 are infectious, p % are vaccinated and the rest is susceptible. The disease spreads in the population with an infectious contact rate of beta / person / time unit. Infected individuals remain in a latency period of mean duration 1 / sigma time units before they become infectious from which state they recover at the rate of gamma / time unit. The following function runs stochastic individual-based simulations of this model for a duration of tf time units, using the algorithm coded in the f function.

seir <- function(N = 1e6, I0 = 1, p = 0, beta = 5, sigma = 1 / 7, gamma = 1 / 7,
                    tf = 100, f = adaptivetau::ssa.adaptivetau, ...) {
  vaccinated <- round(p * (N - 1))
  x0 <- c(S = N - I0 - vaccinated, E = 0, I = I0, R = vaccinated)
  transitions <- list(c(S = -1, E = +1),  # infection
                      c(E = -1, I = +1),  # getting infectious
                      c(I = -1, R = +1))  # recovery
  lvrates <- function(x, params, t) {with(c(x, params),
    c(beta * S * I / N,  # rate of infection (per time unit)
      sigma * E,         # rate of getting infectious (per time unit)
      gamma * I))        # rate of recovery (per time unit)
  data.frame(f(x0, transitions, lvrates,
               list(beta = beta, sigma = sigma, gamma = gamma), tf = tf, ...))

Note that we the default parameters values, we have an \(R_0\) of

\[ R_0 = \frac{\beta}{\sigma + \gamma} = \frac{5}{1/7 + 1/7} = 17.5 \]

Let’s try it with default parameters values:

sim1 <- seir()

which gives:

##         time      S E I R
## 1 0.00000000 999999 0 1 0
## 2 0.06622154 999998 1 1 0
## 3 0.18533522 999997 2 1 0
## 4 0.32991904 999996 3 1 0
## 5 0.36883664 999995 4 1 0
## 6 0.47498614 999994 5 1 0

of which we can plot the prevalence as a function of time as so:

plot(I ~ time, sim1, type = "l", col = "red", xlab = "day", ylab = "prevalance")

Running simulation in parallel

The following function runs any expression expr n times in parallel on mc.cores:

mcreplicate <- function(n, expr, mc.cores = NULL) {
  if (is.null(mc.cores)) mc.cores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
  parallel::mclapply(integer(n), eval.parent(substitute(function(...) expr)),
                     mc.cores = mc.cores)

Let’s try it:

sim2 <- mcreplicate(10, seir())

The following funtion plots the epi curves from a list simulations:

plot_list <- function(formula, ls, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, col = adjustcolor("black", .1), ...) {
  x <- purrr::map(ls, purrr::pluck, as.character(
  y <- purrr::map(ls, purrr::pluck, as.character(
  if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(0, max(unlist(x)))
  if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- c(0, max(unlist(y)))
  plot(NA, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ...)
  purrr::walk2(x, y, lines, col = col)

Let’s try it:

plot_list(I ~ time, sim2, type = "l", xlab = "day", ylab = "prevalance")

Exploring epidemics

Let’s consider 1,000 simulations of the previous model for various vaccine coverages. For that, let’s first consider the following simulate() function:

simulate <- function(x) purrr::rerun(1000, seir(p = x, tf = 1000))

Let’s use this function in parallel for 11 values of vaccine coverage (1’):

sim3 <- parallel::mclapply(seq(0, 1, .1), simulate, mc.cores = parallel::detectCores() - 1)

Let’s plot the \(11 \times 1000 = 11000\) epi curves:

plot_list(I ~ time, unlist(sim3, FALSE), type = "l", xlab = "day", ylab = "prevalance", xlim = c(0, 200))

Verifying that 1000 days is long enough:

unique(unlist(lapply(unlist(sim3, FALSE), function(x) tail(x, 1)[, c("E", "I")])))
## [1] 0

Probability of an epidemic and epidemic size

The following function computes the epidemic size in a population of 1,000,000 individuals, for a number of vaccine coverage values (in vector p), with n replications for each vaccine coverage value:

epi_size <- function(p = .5, N = 1e6, n = 1000, t = .1, nbcores = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(nbcores)) nbcores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
  simulate <- function(x) seir(p = x, N = N, ...)
  p %>%
    parallel::mclapply(function(x) purrr::rerun(n, dplyr::last(simulate(x)$R)),
                       mc.cores = nbcores) %>% 
    purrr::map(function(x) data.frame(unlist(x))) %>% 
    purrr::map2(p, function(x, y) dplyr::mutate(x, p = y)) %>% 
    dplyr::bind_rows() %>% 
    dplyr::transmute(p = p,
                     epi_size = as.integer(unlist.x. - round(p * (N - 1))))

Let’s try it (40’’):

sim4 <- epi_size(seq(0, 1, .1), tf = 1000)

Let’s see that:

plot(epi_size ~ p, sim4, xlab = "vaccine coverage", ylab = "epidemic size")

Let’s see in more detail what happens between the vaccine coverages 80% and 100% (1’):

sim5 <- epi_size(seq(.8, 1, .01), tf = 1000)

Let’s see that:

plot(epi_size ~ p, sim5, xlab = "vaccine coverage", ylab = "epidemic size")

Let’s combine with previous simulation:

plot(epi_size ~ p, dplyr::bind_rows(sim4, sim5),
     xlab = "vaccine coverage", ylab = "epidemic size")


plot(log10(epi_size) ~ p, dplyr::bind_rows(sim4, sim5),
     xlab = "vaccine coverage", ylab = "epidemic size")
abline(h = log10(10))

The horizontal line shows total number of secondary cases equal to 10. In what follows we will consider this (arbitrary) threshold value to define an epidemic. The following function uses this threshold to compute the probability that an epidemic occurs and the expected epidemic size in case there is an epidemic:

epi_proba_mean_size <- function(p = .5, N = 1e6, n = 1000, t = .1, threshold = 10,
                                nbcores = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(nbcores)) nbcores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
  simulate <- function(x) seir(p = x, N = N, ...)
  f <- function(x) {
    R_size <- unlist(purrr::rerun(n, dplyr::last(simulate(x)$R)))
    epi_size <- R_size - round(x * (N - 1))
    sel <- epi_size > threshold
    c(epi_proba     = mean(sel),
      mean_epi_size = mean(epi_size[sel]))
  p %>%
    parallel::mclapply(f, mc.cores = nbcores) %>% 
    purrr::map(~ t(.) %>% %>%
    purrr::map2(p, ~ dplyr::mutate(.x, p = .y)) %>% 
    dplyr::bind_rows() %>% 
    dplyr::select(p, dplyr::everything())

Let’s try it (77’):

sim6 <- epi_proba_mean_size(seq(0, 1, .001), tf = 1000)

Let’s see the effect of vaccine coverage on the probability of an epidemic:

col1 <- "red"
col2 <- "blue"
plot(mean_epi_size ~ p, sim6, xlab = "vaccine coverage", ylab = NA, col = col1, axes = FALSE)
axis(2, col = col1, col.axis = col1)
title(ylab = "expected epidemic size", col.lab = col1)
par(new = TRUE)
plot(epi_proba ~ p, sim6, ann = FALSE, col = col2, axes = FALSE)
axis(4, col = col2, col.axis = col2)
mtext("probability of an epidemic", 4, 1.5, col = col2)

The effects of a decrease in vaccine coverage are particularly important for high vaccine coverages:

sim6b <- dplyr::filter(sim6, p >= .7)

pc <- 1 - 1 / R_0
tmp <- tail(dplyr::filter(sim6, p < round(pc, 3) + .001), 1)

col1 <- "red"
col2 <- "blue"
plot(mean_epi_size ~ p, sim6b, xlab = "vaccine coverage", ylab = NA, col = col1, axes = FALSE)
axis(2, col = col1, col.axis = col1)
title(ylab = "expected epidemic size", col.lab = col1)
segments(0, tmp$mean_epi_size, pc, tmp$mean_epi_size, col = col1)
par(new = TRUE)
plot(epi_proba ~ p, sim6b, ann = FALSE, col = col2, axes = FALSE, ylim = 0:1)
axis(4, col = col2, col.axis = col2)
mtext("probability of an epidemic", 4, 1.5, col = col2)
segments(pc, tmp$epi_proba, 1.1, tmp$epi_proba, col = col2)
abline(v = pc)

Note that, at the theoretically safe vaccine coverage \(p_c = 1 - 1/R_0 = 94.3 \%\), there is still a probability of 0.519 to have an epidemic of 44444 individuals.

Let’s simulate for other populations sizes:

sim7 <- epi_proba_mean_size(seq(0, 1, .001), N = 1e5, tf = 1000)
sim8 <- epi_proba_mean_size(seq(0, 1, .001), N = 1e4, tf = 1000)
sim9 <- epi_proba_mean_size(seq(0, 1, .001), N = 1e3, tf = 1000)

Let’s put the 4 simulations together:

four_sims <- dplyr::bind_rows(list(sim9, sim8, sim7, sim6), .id = "sim")
four_sims <- four_sims[sample(nrow(four_sims)), ] %>% 
    sim = as.integer(sim),
    epi_size = mean_epi_size / (10^(sim + 2)))

Let’s compare the probabilities of an epidemic for the 4 population sizes:

plot(epi_proba ~ p, four_sims, xlab = "vaccine coverage",
     ylab = "probability of an epidemic", col = four_sims$sim)
op <- par(family = "mono")
legend("center", legend = c("    1,000 ind.", "   10,000 ind.", "  100,000 ind.", "1,000,000 ind."),
       col = 1:4, pch = 1, bty = "n", title = "population size:")


Let’s now compare the expected epidemic size for the 4 population sizes:

plot(epi_size ~ p, four_sims, xlab = "vaccine coverage",
     ylab = "expected proportion of population infected", col = four_sims$sim)
op <- par(family = "mono")
legend("topright", legend = c("    1,000 ind.", "   10,000 ind.", "  100,000 ind.", "1,000,000 ind."),
       col = 1:4, pch = 1, bty = "n", title = "population size:")


Let’s zoom in:

four_sims2 <- dplyr::filter(four_sims, p >= .93)
plot(epi_size ~ p, four_sims2, xlab = "vaccine coverage",
     ylab = "expected proportion of population infected", col = four_sims2$sim)
op <- par(family = "mono")
legend("topright", legend = c("    1,000 ind.", "   10,000 ind.", "  100,000 ind.", "1,000,000 ind."),
       col = 1:4, pch = 1, bty = "n", title = "population size:")


The differences for the high vaccine coverage is an artefact of the chosen threshold on the number of 10 infected individuals chosen to define an epidemic. In consequence, we’ll use this data frame for our analyses:

ref <- sim6 %>% 
  dplyr::transmute(vacc_cov = p,
                   epi_proba = epi_proba,
                   epi_prop = mean_epi_size / 1e6)

which looks like this:

ref2 <- dplyr::filter(ref, vacc_cov >= .7)
tmp2 <- tail(dplyr::filter(ref2, vacc_cov < round(pc, 3) + .001), 1)
plot((100 * epi_prop) ~ vacc_cov, ref2, xlab = "vaccine coverage",
     ylab = NA, col = col1, axes = FALSE)
axis(2, col = col1, col.axis = col1)
title(ylab = "percentage of total population affected", col.lab = col1)
segments(0, 100 * tmp2$epi_prop, pc, 100 * tmp2$epi_prop, col = col1)
par(new = TRUE)
plot(epi_proba ~ vacc_cov, ref2, ann = FALSE, col = col2, axes = FALSE, ylim = 0:1)
axis(4, col = col2, col.axis = col2)
mtext("probability of an epidemic", 4, 1.5, col = col2)
segments(pc, tmp2$epi_proba, 1.1, tmp2$epi_proba, col = col2)
abline(v = pc)

Again, at the recommanded \(p_c\) vaccine coverage calculated from \(R_0\), there is still more than a 50% chance to see an epidemic affecting more than 4% of the total population upon the introduction of one infected individual.

Building a population network

Optimizing vaccination policy