This package contains the polygons of the communes (11,163), districts (703) and provinces (63) or Vietnam after the last major administrative border update of 2008, January 1st (essentially the merging of the provinces of Ha Tay and Ha Noi), together with the populations sizes from the 2009 census as attributes.

Installation and loading

You can install censusVN2009 from github with:

> # install.packages("devtools")
> devtools::install_github("choisy/censusVN2009")

Once installed, you can load the package:

> library(censusVN2009)

Usage examples

The package contains 6 SpatialPolygonsDataFrame: communes, districts, and provinces for low polygons resolution and communes_r, districts_r, and provinces_r for high polygons resolution. These objects can be loaded with the base R data function:

> data(communes)
> data(districts)
> data(provinces)

And can be plotted with the sp plot method:

> library(sp)
> plot(communes)

> plot(districts)

> plot(provinces)

The attributes of these spatial objects are:

> head(communes@data)
  province_id district_id commune_id province district           commune
1         101       10101    1010101   Ha Noi  Ba Dinh           Phuc Xa
2         101       10101    1010103   Ha Noi  Ba Dinh Nguyen Trung Truc
3         101       10101    1010105   Ha Noi  Ba Dinh        Quan Thanh
4         101       10101    1010107   Ha Noi  Ba Dinh         Truc Bach
5         101       10101    1010109   Ha Noi  Ba Dinh         Dien Bien
6         101       10101    1010111   Ha Noi  Ba Dinh            Kim Ma
  province_vn  district_vn               commune_vn shape_length
1      Hà Nội Quận Ba Đình           Phường Phúc Xá   0.04151832
2      Hà Nội Quận Ba Đình Phường Nguyễn Trung Trực   0.01685818
3      Hà Nội Quận Ba Đình        Phường Quán Thánh   0.04304943
4      Hà Nội Quận Ba Đình         Phường Trúc Bạch   0.03282108
5      Hà Nội Quận Ba Đình         Phường Điện Biên   0.05202888
6      Hà Nội Quận Ba Đình            Phường Kim Mã   0.03655965
    shape_area area population
1 8.969931e-05   92      15767
2 1.454382e-05   16       8659
3 6.826377e-05   77      10643
4 4.780430e-05   52      11361
5 7.859887e-05   94      10552
6 4.471809e-05   48      14579
> head(districts@data)
  province_id district_id province     district province_vn
1         101       10101   Ha Noi      Ba Dinh    Hòa Bình
2         101       10103   Ha Noi       Tay Ho    Hòa Bình
3         101       10105   Ha Noi    Hoan Kiem    Hòa Bình
4         101       10107   Ha Noi Hai Ba Trung    Hòa Bình
5         101       10108   Ha Noi    Hoang Mai    Hòa Bình
6         101       10109   Ha Noi      Dong Da    Hòa Bình
        district_vn shape_length   shape_area area population
1      Quận Ba Đình   0.18683794 0.0008190194  928     213744
2       Quận Tây Hồ   0.24473828 0.0021717781 2107      90639
3    Quận Hoàn Kiếm   0.09007917 0.0004533006  533     165080
4 Quận Hai Bà Trưng   0.16465428 0.0008393718 1032     271849
5    Quận Hoàng Mai   0.35391165 0.0034854305 3952     181170
6      Quận Đống Đa   0.16841353 0.0008634695  994     328230
> head(provinces@data)
  province_id          province     province_vn shape_length shape_area
1         805          An Giang        An Giang     2.900742 0.29203991
2         717 Ba Ria - Vung Tau Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu     3.439338 0.16594643
3         221         Bac Giang       Bắc Giang     4.514786 0.33874811
4         207           Bac Kan         Bắc Kạn     4.207590 0.42559833
5         821          Bac Lieu        Bạc Liêu     2.879202 0.20404993
6         106          Bac Ninh        Bắc Ninh     1.685751 0.07149842
       area population
1 352363.37  2130638.0
2 189836.73   822949.7
3 374156.83  1522360.0
4 486112.00   275165.0
5 253435.76   786447.0
6  79554.61   916123.0

And we can verify the consistency between the 3 spatial objects:

> length(communes_r)
[1] 11163
> length(unique(communes_r$district_id))
[1] 703
> length(districts_r)
[1] 703
> setdiff(communes_r$district_id, districts_r$district_id)
> length(unique(districts_r$province_id))
[1] 63
> length(provinces_r)
[1] 63
> setdiff(provinces_r$province_id, districts_r$province_id)

Total population size and area:

> sum(provinces$population)
[1] 77501046
> sum(provinces$area) / 100  # km2
[1] 331302.5

Distributions of administrative areas:

> hist(communes$area / 100, n = 100, col = "grey", main = NA,
+      xlab = "area", ylab = "frequency")

> hist(districts$area / 100, col = "grey", main = NA,
+      xlab = "area", ylab = "frequency")

> hist(provinces$area / 100, col = "grey", main = NA,
+      xlab = "area", ylab = "frequency")

Distributions of adminitrative units’ populations sizes:

> hist(communes$population, n = 100, col = "grey", main = NA,
+      xlab = "population size", ylab = "frequency")

> hist(districts$population, col = "grey", main = NA,
+      xlab = "population size", ylab = "frequency")

> hist(provinces$population, n = 15, col = "grey", main = NA,
+      xlab = "population size", ylab = "frequency")

Distributions of the administrative units’ populations densities:

> with(communes@data, hist(log10(100 * population / area), n = 100, col = "grey",
+                          main = NA, xlab = "population density", ylab = "frequency"))

> with(districts@data, hist(log10(100 * population / area), n = 100, col = "grey",
+                          main = NA, xlab = "population density", ylab = "frequency"))

> with(provinces@data, hist(log10(100 * population / area), n = 15, col = "grey",
+                          main = NA, xlab = "population density", ylab = "frequency"))

Relationship between communes populations and areas:

> plot(population ~ area, communes@data)

> plot(population ~ area, communes@data, log = "xy")
Warning in xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log): 78 x values <= 0 omitted
from logarithmic plot
Warning in xy.coords(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, log): 78 y values <= 0 omitted
from logarithmic plot

Let’s now map the populations sizes. Let’s first make a palette of colors form RColorBrewer:

> n <- 9
> pal <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n, "Blues")

Let’s find a classes intervals definition:

> library(classInt)
> tmp <- classIntervals(districts$population, n = n, style = "quantile")
> plot(tmp, pal = pal, main = NA)

Once we’re satisfied with the class interval definition we can plot the map:

> plot(districts, col = findColours(tmp, pal))

Same thing for the human population densities:

> tmp <- classIntervals(districts$population / districts$area, n = n, style = "quantile")
> plot(tmp, pal = pal, main = NA)

> plot(districts, col = findColours(tmp, pal))